Shoulder Dislocation Surgery


If you have a dislocated shoulder you might see swelling and a shoulder out of place. You may experience pain and the inability to move the entire joint. Orlando Hand Surgery Associates can help relieve your pain with our appropriate shoulder dislocation surgery procedure.

How to Prepare for Surgery

To prepare for surgery we may ask that you don’t eat or drink anything after midnight the night before surgery. We also ask that you bring a large shirt with buttons on the front so you won’t have to pull a shirt over your head. You might also prepare your home so you won’t have to reach your hand over your head during your upcoming recovery.


During this treatment, we perform a process called a closed reduction where he will place the humerus (the ball of the upper arm bone) back into the joint socket. Your pain and discomfort should stop almost immediately. However, if the dislocation is a recurrent problem, we may find it necessary to perform surgery that will tighten the ligaments that hold the joint in place. A recurring shoulder dislocation is prevalent in young athletes. This surgery is an outpatient procedure conducted with the assistance of general anesthesia. This means you will be put to sleep during surgery and can expect to return home after you wake up from surgery.


You will wear a sling for several weeks and need to ice the area three to four times a day. You can complete some rehabilitation exercises after your swelling goes down. These exercises will assist you in regaining your shoulder’s range of motion and strength. Later weights can be added to these exercises.


We will tighten your tendons preventing future dislocations in your shoulder.


Several complications to watch out for are an infection, nerve injury, and bleeding at the site of surgery. However, if you didn’t undergo surgery, still watch out for tearing of the muscles, ligaments, and tendons that reinforce your shoulder joint. You could also experience complications with repeated dislocations or shoulder instability.


This surgery has a success rate of more than 90% in patients, according to Washington University Physicians.